share offers
solar arrays
kwhs of clean electricity
community lighting upgrades
househouse holds supported
saved in energy bills
metric tonnes of CO2e avoided
South East London Community Energy (Selce) was born in 2014, when a group of people living in Greenwich & Lewisham became so concerned about climate change that they decided to come up with a formula that would help to create a clean and just energy future.
We seek to create a clean and just transition to an energy system that is fit for the future through:
Throughout our first ten-years, we have set up projects that address inequality and seek to reduce our collective carbon footprint at different points in the energy systems.
To date we have built 11 solar arrays on community buildings in SE London and five several buildings’ lighting systems to be more energy efficient. We currently have a share offer for five lighting system upgrades and will open another soon for four solar array on community buildings.
We’ve helped well over 4000 house holds struggling with their energy bills through our energy advice service. And we are pleased to now be able to help homeowners make their homes more energy efficient through the Love Lofts and Future Fit Homes pilot programmes.
Listen to co-founder, Camilla Berens, speaking on the Activist Awakening podcast.