We work in partnership with local community organisations and local authorities in order to further support our work to move toward a cleaner, brighter energy future and alleviate fuel poverty in South-East London.
We carry out feasibility studies, community finance, install and sell energy on community buildings.
We audit, community finance and install energy efficient lighting systems for community buildings.
We run workshops to empower people around their energy bills, the energy efficiency of their home and how to build solar panels. We also train community energy champions.
We work with local community organisations, pre-existing groups and programmes to engage households that are in or at-risk of fuel poverty with energy advice service.
We carry out feasibility studies, community finance, install and sell energy on community buildings.
We audit, community finance and install energy efficient lighting systems for community buildings.
We work with local community organisations, pre-existing groups and programmes to engage households that are in or at-risk of fuel poverty with energy advice service.
We run workshops to empower people around their energy bills, the energy efficiency of their home and how to build solar panels. We also partner with community organisations to train community energy champions.