What is a healthy home temperature, how to deal with draughts and the importance of controlled ventilation We all know that feeling of cold chills running up the spine: a sure sign of draught slowly drawing warmth out of our bodies and homes. This issue of cold, draughty homes is […]
Government action on poor quality workmanship in grant schemes welcomed “In a profit-driven building industry, the contractor’s interests are not always the interest of the householder – the industry is full of cowboys, and that’s why we set up the Future Fit Homes project.” – Giovanna Speciale, CEO, Selce. […]
Retrofit is “the Nexus Between Climate and Energy Justice” Bringing together everyone from local residents to home energy and retrofit advisors, to suppliers and academics, Selce’s CEO Giovanna Speciale kicked off our Festival of Retrofit on 30 November by explaining our choice of subject: “Retrofit is the gift that […]
Current Grants and Financing for Home Retrofit & Repair Retrofit & Repair Grants for Homeowners There are a number of grants currently available for homeowners to make their homes more energy efficient. There have a range of different eligibility criteria so do check what you qualify for, even if you […]
What is Retrofit, and Where do a Fabric First and Whole House Approach Fit In? This article was first published by Age UK London, and is written by Selce’s Outreach Officer, Amy Lightfoot As we progress into autumn and winter, attention starts to turn to ensuring lower running costs in […]
We’re looking for new solar sites to join the community energy revolution! 11 solar arrays £98k estimated savings 2.3m kwhs of clean electricity 550 metric tonnes of CO2e avoided With 11 community financed solar arrays across SE London, we at South East London Community Energy are looking to partner with […]
What is a Heat Pump, How Do They Work and When Are They Right For Your Home? Everyone is a-buzz about heat pumps. But what are they? How do they work? And when are they right for you? What are they? Heat pumps are a heating technology that moves heat […]
Free lighting audits available for 10 community buildings in Lewisham! SELCE is offering personalized free light audits to 10 Lewisham community buildings to help reduce their electricity bills and carbon emissions. As part of the audit we will: assess the building’s lighting systems prepare a financial model and report support […]
Feeling Hot! Hot! Hot! – Heatwaves in the UK and the importance of retrofit for the future of healthy homes. As we’ve experienced this week, heat gain, not just heat loss, is becoming an increasingly important housing and public health issue in the UK. In summer 2022, the UK experienced an unprecedented 40°C […]
Workshops & community training We now offer a number of fun and interactive workshops for community groups who have questions about energy at home. How can I reduce my energy bills? How can I make my home a comfortable temperature and energy efficient at the same time? How do solar […]